CASN Fall Conference Registration
Welcome School Nurses:
CASN fall conference will bring school nurses together in person, to address current issues of students’ health including chronic health management, mental health for students and nurses, advocacy and equity to name a few.
We are excited for our Keynote Speaker: Robin Cogan, MEd, RN, NCSN, FNASN, FAAN who has an extensive history in school nursing and writes a popular blog called The Relentless School Nurse. She believes that “being relentless is what it takes to be a change agent in nursing”. Website:
If you are registering more one than one participant, you will need to register each participant separately for the pre-conference and conference.
Here is a quick checklist for those registering multiple participants: First Name, Last Name, Email, Current CASN member or non-member, Preference for Banquet (Vegan Gluten Free or Chicken entree), Severe food allergy information
Use the link to Register for the conference:
Conference Brochure
2022 CASN Fall Brochure final.docx
For questions email
We’re look forward to seeing everyone in person this year at the conference.
Thank you
CASN Conference Committee
Linda Botnick, BSN,RN, CASN Administrative Assistant